Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Continued from "Knot of nothing - Twirling in time" post...

Working a bit more on the knot led to more refinements and fine tuning. When I said "Let, the top lobe have a small opening above your head. So, it's like a wire which is inserted inside you to form the lobes of infinity", I was wrong with the former part...the latter part is fine.

As discussed in "Correction and Convergence" post, we would clearly be able to distinguish between Disaster Energy/Consciousness and Evolutionary Energy/Consciousness. Let's represent the phases during which we experience them as D-State and E-State respectively.

The D-State and E-State recur in cycles, so the corresponding patterns need to be alternated accordingly until we end up presenting a free path for the powers (C/E) that be!

PS: Diagram edited (extended) on 5th June, 2015.

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