Saturday, December 17, 2016

Increasing Entropy!

I'm not in a state to (actually in no mood to) comment upon the correctness and entirety of this write-up (I would have at least tried to some other time!) - "Entropy Explained, With Sheep!" It's nevertheless well-written in a way that can explain Entropy to a layman! My favourite parts here are - "...a macroscopic irreversibility arises from microscopically reversible parts" & "...everything interesting that has ever happened (and ever will happen) was a consequence of this unlikely beginning."

Though I say, I'm in no mood to comment, I sense from the beginning there is something seriously wrong with the write-up at some parts (which abruptly group up to arrive at a conclusion). Especially where it says - "...Our universe will have hit peak entropy." So I force myself to comment here. The Universe, I believe is NOT so stupid to wait until it hits that peak entropy and die altogether after the so-called googol years of time! It can well balance itself in can balance itself as a sum of parts to maintain the integrity of its whole.

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