Yesterday, when the thought of writing about Karthika Pournami dawned upon me, the first thing that came to my mind was the "Four Blood Moon" prophecy mentioned in Bible. I was not aware of it until the day before visiting Jerusalem, the second time. I was browsing for something on Israel or perhaps about Passover, as the Passover week was being celebrated there then and I happened to bump into this interesting piece.
Actually some events led up to my visit to Jerusalem the second time on Easter Sunday. Infact, I didn't know it was Easter until I visited that place and an old-man, my co-tourist, mentioned that to me, that he planned a lot to be there at that time. I was not aware of this Christian festival falling on that Sunday, I was only aware of the Jewish festival happening around in Tel-Aviv as apparently most of my colleagues were Jewish and the faith practised officially at the work place in Israel was also Jewish. People there were very cautious to explain the differences between the practices of these faiths, but actually I was too naive about all this. In my mind, before that, I just categorised Jews and Christians all in one box. (Yes, yes, I definitely understood I was too ignorant of all this, after listening to their cautious discerning of faiths. But I was not too interested to listen to such details for whatsoever reasons. Before that, no matter how much ever I read about Shia-Sunni clashes in Arab countries and things like that, I believed that it is only in India that people group themselves based on blind faiths and inherited hierarchies, but these talks made it clear to me I was wrong. It is just the same all over the world! People so desperately want to group themselves so that they are unique in some way).
Ok! Enough of Christians-and-Jews-are-different talk! Now, to the point, why I had to visit Jerusalem, the second time. Hmm...wait...perhaps that's not too important here anyway. Just dive yourselves into the Four Blood Moon Biblical prophecy, if you haven't already...of course, it goes without saying, if that is intriguing enough!
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